Really interesting topic, I'd love to chime in (as a woman)! I think the answer is somewhat more nuanced. I don't date primarily for physical touch or for sex. I think there is something unique about male companionship, and a level of vulnerability that I can share with a man that I can't with other women. There is something especially comforting about opening up to a man about my deepest fears and sorrows...and there is something special in being able to comfort a man or make him feel at ease. This is the dynamic I have with my current partner.
It might also interest you to know that within my dating relationships, I have chosen to abstain from sexual interactions. I do this because I know how powerful and blinding sex can be and I don't want to accidentally choose the wrong partner (or stay with the wrong partner) because I am so closely bonded to him. I believe that a couple should wait to have sex until they know they are fully committed to each other - genuinely, for the right reasons. For me, that commitment takes form in marriage (although, I know many people will disagree). But that is a choice that my partner and I agree on, and honestly, I think my current relationship is so great because we genuinely connect on an emotional, intellectual, and spiritual level - and love each other deeply, despite refraining from the sexual expression of that love.
My boyfriend and I are both in our early 20s, so boy, is it difficult. But I do believe that in the long run, it's worthwhile. So many couples have "great sex" but poor conversation, different life goals, etc. and I'm grateful that I am able to clearly decipher those things in my relationship without weighing so heavily on the physical aspect at this stage.
Really interesting read - I genuinely enjoy your work!