Member-only story
Pornography Ruins Romantic Relationships
The “sex-positive” community will tell you that pornography and masturbation are healthy parts of one’s individual, personal relationship with their own sexuality.
Regardless of one’s relationship status, it’s private and nobody should be telling anybody what they can or can’t do with their own genitals.
A few points to consider…
Sex is not biologically designed to be an individual experience.
The male body and female body were created with complementary sex organs — one is rendered useless without the other. Biologically, they are designed to come together as one for the sake of reproduction.
Sex, in its most basic and biological form, is a shared experience. You can’t have sex without two people being present.
An individual can simulate a sexual experience by themselves, but it still falls short of the real thing.
Sex is also designed to be deeply unitive.
Sex provides a unique closeness with another human being that cannot be found in any other context of life.